Pot-mave mand synes, det er sjovt at optage lystige spil med sin lille pik på arbejdspladsen

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Kunne du lide denne video? Glem ikke at skrive en kommentar! Det er virkelig interessant, hvad du mener om det.

Aaaa tilføjet 2021-05-16 23:27:19


Suske tilføjet 2021-01-01 10:32:23


Gytis tilføjet 2018-02-08 05:20:29

Duok ciulpt bus maloniau

Țermure Raul tilføjet 2018-01-23 23:27:34

Masturbation is a sin. The man in the video that did this made a sin. There should not be such films in which some people do not care that they will ruin their lives and shoot naked, but not only that, not only those people are filming naked, but also sin (for example, two men who filming how to kiss, how to undress, how to touch the genitals, etc.). Such films should never exist. Such movies when seen by some people also start doing the same thing, masturbating. I also masturbated because I was tempted by Satan to watch these movies and masturbate me. I thought masturbation was not a sin. I thought that masturbation would make me happy when I was badly cheated. I have not been masturbating since then, for a few days, and I do not want to do it anymore. That's why I pray to God to help me no longer masturbate. That is how all men, whether men or women who have appeared in these films, should make their way to God and acknowledge that they have sinned and accept Jesus Christ as gentle and saving in their lives and repent of sins.

Țermure Raul tilføjet 2018-01-23 23:26:12

Masturbation is a sin. The man in the videclip that did this made a sin. There should not be such films in which some people do not care that they will ruin their lives and shoot naked, but not only that, not only those people are filming naked, but also sin (for example, two men who filming how to kiss, how to undress, how to touch the genitals, etc.). Such films should never exist. Such movies when seen by some people also start doing the same thing, masturbating. I also masturbated because I was tempted by Satan to watch these movies and masturbate me. I thought masturbation was not a sin. I thought that masturbation would make me happy when I was badly cheated. I have not been masturbating since then, for a few days, and I do not want to do it anymore. That's why I pray to God to help me no longer masturbate. That is how all men, whether men or women who have appeared in these films, should make their way to God and acknowledge that they have sinned and accept Jesus Christ as gentle and saving in their lives and repent of sins.